Something not look right? Post an issue on GitHub with the URL of the image
<x-gif src="{{ trustedUrl() }}"></x-gif>
<x-gif src="{{ trustedUrl() }}" ping-pong></x-gif>
<x-gif src="{{ trustedUrl() }}" n-times="{{ gif.nTimes }}"{{ nTimesIsStopped() }}></x-gif>
<x-gif src="{{ trustedUrl() }}" speed="{{ gif.speed }}"></x-gif>
<x-gif src="{{ trustedUrl() }}" bpm="{{ gif.bpm }}"></x-gif>
<x-gif src="{{ trustedUrl() }}" bpm="{{ gif.bpm }}" snap></x-gif>
<x-gif src="{{ trustedUrl() }}" synced></x-gif>
<x-gif src="{{ trustedUrl() }}" synced snap></x-gif>
Audio: Encom Part II by Daft Punk. CC0 1.0 Universal.
Beat metadata provided by Echo Nest
<x-gif src="{{ trustedUrl() }}" stopped></x-gif>
<x-gif src="{{ trustedUrl() }}" exploded></x-gif>
Explode the gif into its component frames (handy for debugging)